[1] 次の英文を日本文になおしなさい。
⑴ This dictionary is more useful than that one.
⑵ He is the most famous baseball player in Japan.
⑶ What is the most important thing for her?
[2] 次の英文を,あとの指示にしたがって書きかえなさい。
⑴ He is tall.
⑵ This flower is beautiful.
[3] 次の日本文にあう英文になるように,( )に適する語を書きなさい。
⑴ この本はあの本よりおもしろいです。
This book is ( ) ( ) than that one.
⑵ これは中国でもっとも人気のある歌です。
This is ( ) ( ) ( ) song in China.
⑶ 英語は日本語よりも難しいですか。
Is English ( ) ( ) ( ) Japanese?
⑷ 私の母は家族のなかでもっとも注意深く運転をします。
My mother drives a car ( ) ( ) ( ) in my family.
⑸ サッカーは野球よりもわくわくします。
Soccer is ( ) ( ) than Baseball.
⑹ この問題は3つのなかでもっとも重要です。
This question is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) the three.
⑴ この辞書はあの辞書より役に立ちます。
⑵ 彼は日本でもっとも有名な野球選手です。
⑶ 彼女にとってもっとも重要なことは何ですか。
⑴ ① He is as tall as his brother.
② He is taller than his brother.
③ He is the tallest in his class.
⑵ ① This flower is as beautiful as that one.
② This flower is more beautiful than that one.
③ This flower is the most beautiful of all.
⑴ more interesting
⑵ the most popular
⑶ more difficult than
⑷ the most carefully
⑸ more exciting
⑹ the most important of