[1] 次の英文を日本文になおしなさい。
⑴ I have lived in China for three years.
⑵ My mother has been sick since last night.
⑶ It hasn’t rained since last Tuesday.
⑷ Has Kenta known her for a long time? ─ Yes, he has.
⑸ How long have you been here?
[2] ( )の中から適する語を選びなさい。
⑴ They ( are / were / have / has ) played soccer for five years.
⑵ He has ( is / be / been ) busy since last week.
⑶ Have you lived in Tokyo ( from / for / since ) many years?
⑷ My brother has studied English ( for / since / when ) he was a child.
[3] 次の英文を現在完了形を使って書きかえなさい。
⑴ I came to this town two years ago, and I still live here.
⑵ My aunt became sick a week ago, and she is still sick.
[4] 次の日本文の意味にあうように,( )内の語(句)を並べかえなさい。ただし下線部の語を適する形に変え,不足する語を1語補いなさい。
⑴ 私たちは去年からよい友だちです。
( good friends / we / be / last year / have ).
⑵ 私の妹は長い間その本を欲しがっています。
( want / a long time / has / the book / my sister ).
⑶ 私は学生のころからカナダに行きたかった。
( since / want / a student / to Canada / have / to go / I / I ).
⑷ あなたはどのくらいこの町に滞在していますか。
( this town / you / have / in / stay / how )?
⑴ 私は3年間中国に住んでいます。
⑵ 私の母は昨晩から(ずっと)病気です。
⑶ 先週の火曜日から雨が降っていません。
⑷ 健太は長い間彼女と知り合いですか。 ─ はい,そうです。
⑸ あなたはどのくらいここにいますか。
⑴ have
⑵ been
⑶ for
⑷ since
⑴ I have lived in this town for two years.
⑵ My aunt has been sick for a week.
⑴ We have been good friends since last year.
⑵ My sister has wanted the book for a long time.
⑶ I have wanted to go to Canada since I was a student.
⑷ How long have you stayed in this town?